

How to choose an adult step stool for home use?

  For small-sized families, when choosing a step stool for our adults, the first consideration is the storage function, followed by the material, size, style and price.   1. Step stool with storag...
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How to choose a child's step stool

   When the child’s little friend comes to play at home, there is no suitable stool to sit on? The things on the cabinet are too high and the baby wants to get it? There is a cute child at home tha...
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How to choose children's learning chairs?

The learning chair is the most important auxiliary equipment that children use in learning. It can be adjusted according to the child's growth and development law to ensure that the child sits in a...
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Child's other foot-children's footstool

The 4-year-old Xixi can basically perform daily life operations such as switching lights, washing hands, and brushing teeth alone. In fact, given her height, it is not easy for her to switch light...
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How to Choose a wooden Toddler Chair

  1. When we buy the Wooden toddler chair, its material selection is based on solid wood, board, stainless steel, and plastic. The soft backrest and personalized home furnishings are not considere...
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